The community PCSOs have been visiting the school at drop off and collection times to help with traffic management.
We fully appreciate that the start and end of day is extremely busy, but please could all parents/carers continue to park in a safe and considerate manner, avoiding double yellow lines, neighbour’s drive ways, parking on kerbs or double parking.
The yellow ziz-zag lines, and areas next to the Zebra Crossing are also a no-parking zone; all for the safety of the children and wider school community.
Survey Reminder
We would like parents/carers to take a few moments to complete a survey to help us improve what we offer on a day to day basis.
Please follow this link to access the survey and share your thoughts with us:
Dinners & Breakfast Club
When we return after half term on Wednesday 9th June 2021, you will find some new additions to the lunchtime menu. The present choices will remain on the ParentPay system, but the children will also have the choice of burger/wedges and pasta bolognaise on certain days.
We have also managed to arrange a delivery of breakfast club items. From Wednesday 9th June, if you require your child to have a breakfast in school, then the children can go directly to their classes at 8.30am (this is the same arrangement as the Autumn term). School staff will provide the children with a breakfast grab bag before lessons begin.
It is important to note that breakfasts can only be served before lessons begin at 8.30am and not during lesson time.
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