The Year 5 teachers are Mrs Ball, Mrs Keenan (5BK) and Mr Morgan (5M) with extra support from Mrs Price, Mrs Lamb, Mrs James, Mrs Azira and Miss Crimmins.
Literacy This term we will be focusing on developing our basic skills in reading, writing and oracy. We will be reading and interpreting a variety of texts, and producing extended writing as part of our lessons, in a range of genres. We have high expectations for handwriting and presentation, and we will be developing these throughout the term. We will be working on our speaking and listening skills through a range of oracy activities. Numeracy In Mathematics, we will continue to focus on developing our number and place value skills during Spring Term. However, we will also begin to focus on other areas such as shape and measure. Maths homework will be provided online, either through Active Learn or Google Classroom. We are also continuing to work on our ‘Big Maths’ sessions to develop our core number skills. During our topics, we will be applying our number skills across a variety of activities. Please help to support your child’s progress by practicing times-tables and basic number skills at home. Remember you can use www.activelearnprimary.com for your homework! Thrilling Themes! This term, we will continue to be learning about a number of different topics, like continuing with Festivals and Celebrations and Global Explorer. What the children want to learn about will be at the front of every topic, so get your thinking caps on!
We are very much looking forward to the next term together. The children have had such a positive first term back in such difficult circumstances. Remember to continue working hard and be the best you can be - let’s reach for the stars! |
September 2020
It will be amazing to all be back together again but some things may seem a little different at first. The information below will hopefully answer any questions but please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you are unsure about.
School Dinners |
All pupils are required to bring their own packed lunch to school everyday. We will be eating this altogether in our class group, in the classroom! |
Staying Safe |
All classrooms are fully equipped with hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial cleaning products! For further guidance on face coverings in school, please see: https://www.oakfieldprimary.com/news/detail/information-use-of-face-coverings-in-school/ |
Hydration |
We encourage pupils to bring a drink (water) to have through the day. We are a 'Healthy School' so please note, no fizzy drinks or energy drinks are permitted in school. |
Pencil cases |
We can't wait to get back to our learning and want you to know that everything you will need is here, ready and waiting so for now, please keep personal pencil cases at home. |
Class Dojo |
We use Class Dojo to reward pupils with 'Tocynnau Ty' and share pupils' success stories with parents at home. All children will be given parent log-in information at the beginning of the year. If you require any assistance with accessing your parent Class Dojo account please contact the school where a member of the Y6 team will be able to provide you with further guidance. |
P.E. | Further information on PE days will be provided at a later date. |
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