Have a look around your kitchen can you find and make a list of:
3 or more things you have found in your cupboards
3 or more things you have in your fridge
3 or more things you have in your freezer
Do you have food anywhere else? If so add these onto your list!
Look at and investigate the different values of coins. Can you sort the coins into their groups? How many different types of coins can you find? (You can do this practically or through the game below)
Today we will look at 1p and 10p coins.
We have been learning to count in 10’s. A 10p coin is the same amount as 10 1p coins. You can use either to help pay for items.
Practice paying for toyshop items using 1p/10p coins up to the value of £1.
Make an addition monster using materials from your house. Don't worry about putting numbers on the tubes. Use the addition number challenge cards and practically do each sum. What is the total in the monster's mouth?
Can you use different fruits/vegetables to design a plate of food?
Collage, draw or paint your food onto a paper plate.
Using different fruits and vegetables practice printing different patterns onto paper.
Can you make a family of vegetable characters using a variety of fruits and vegetables?
Practice threading cheerios or pasta onto pie cleaners, string, cooked spaghetti or uncooked (place standing up in playdough or blue tac and make a tower).
How many do you have?
What characters will you have on your lunchbox?
Collect your empty tins and bottles and have a game of bowling.
Make it a challenge by writing numbers/sounds on each one. Ask a family number to give you a number/sound. Can you roll the ball to hit the correct number/sound?
Can you learn different foods in Welsh?
Sport Cardiff #1MinuteChallenges to try. Why not film yourself and upload the videos to Class Dojo or Google Classroom?
#1MinuteChallenge 01 | Squats
#1MinuteChallenge 02 | Star Jumps
Literacy Links
Oxford Reading Owl – (Free ebooks)
Class code: oakfieldreception
Password: OakfieldReception
Teach your Monster to Read – Phonics
Phonics Play
TopMarks – Literacy games – select Early Years
PhonicsBloom – Phonic games (Phase 1-4)
Teach your child to read resources from BBC
ICT Games – Variety of phonic resources -Demonstrates how to say each sound correctly
Numeracy Links
TopMarks – number recognition games and counting
Math age 4-6
Monster Math’s Learning Games
Barnyard Games for Kids
Number Quiz
Book Creator – Practice writing your sounds/numbers or draw a picture for a family member
Oxford Owl
ICT Games – Variety of number recognition games
YouTube Clips
Disco Dough – Early Years Emily – Exercises the muscles in your child’s hand to help support writing
Jack Hartman – Phonics
Calming Yoga for children
Collect your empty tins and bottles and have a game of bowling.
Make it a challenge by writing numbers/sounds on each one. Ask a family number to give you a number/sound. Can you roll the ball to hit the correct number/sound?
What characters will you have on your lunchbox?
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