Our Learning
We strive to:
Provide a happy, safe and secure environment full of kindness, care and respect for each other.
Create a stimulating and fun environment with child-centred and adult initiated play which promotes children’s learning and fosters enquiring minds and happy learners.
Deliver a broad and balanced Early Years Curriculum based on the Core Principles and 6 Areas of Learning outlined in the Curriculum for Wales.
Work in partnership with parents and value the help and guidance they give to their children.
Help children to make sense of the world they live in and help them to take a positive role in it.
Encourage children to make their own decisions and choices.
Provide an environment rich in language to encourage communication skills.
Form positive relationships built on mutual trust and respect.
To develop their basic literacy and numeracy skills to support learning across the curriculum.
Our Topics and Themes
Autumn Term 1
'Marvellous Me!'
During our Marvellous Me topic we will cover the following themes:
Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
The 3 Little Pigs
Welcome to School
Marvellous Me
Our Senses
Healthy Me
Autumn Antics
Autumn Term 2
All Around Me
During our All Around Me topic we will cover the following themes:
Good Morning, Good Night
On My Own Two Feet
Art and Artists
Ourselves and Our Family
Christmas Stories
The Nativity
Spring Term
Let's Celebrate
During our Let's Celebrate topic we will cover the following themes:
Winter Wonders
Nursery Bake Off
Making Music
Welsh Fortnight
Sing a Rainbow
Swing into Spring
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