Autumn Term
Key Stage 2 Ymadrodd Yr wythnos Phrase of the week
Our 'Phrase of the Week' is introduced every Wednesday during our Welsh assembly. It is then reinforced throughout the week. Our Criw Cymraeg play an important role encouraging and supporting everyone to use the Ymadrodd Yr Wythnos.
Why not have a go at practising these at home with your family and friends.
Week 1
Sut wyt ti y bore’ma/y prynhawn ‘ma?
How are you this morning/this afternoon?
Dw i’n (feeling) achos (reason).
I am (feeling) because (reason).
Sut mae (name) y bore’ma/y prynhawn ‘ma?
How is (name) this morning/this afternoon?
Mae (name) yn (feeling).
(name) is feeling.
Week 2
Sawl plenty sy’n absennol heddiw?
How many children are absent today?
Felly, sawl plenty sy yn yr ysgol heddiw?
Therefore, how many children are in school today?
Week 3
Ydy pawb yn barod i ddechrau?
Is everyone ready to start?
Ydy/nag ydy
Week 4
Tanlinellwch y dyddiad a’r teitl.
Underline the date and title.
Week 5
Stopiwch, beiros/pensiliau i lawr a gwrandewch!
Stop, pens/pencils down and listen!
Week 6
Siaradwch gyda’ch partner.
Discuss with your partner.
Week 7
Unrhyw cwestiynau am y gwaith?
Any questions about the work?
Week 8
Ydych chi’n deall?
Do you understand?
Ydw/nag ydw.
Bodiau i fyny neu bodiau i lawr.
Thumbs up or thumbs down.
Week 9
Pwy sy eisiau darllen? Dwylo i fyny.
Hands up if you want to read.
Week 10
Pum munud i fynd cyn amser chwarae/cinio/mynd adref.
Five minutes before play time/dinner/home time.
Spring Term
Key Stage 2 Ymadrodd Yr wythnos Phrase of the week
Our 'Phrase of the Week' is introduced every Wednesday during our Welsh assembly. It is then reinforced throughout the week. Our Criw Cymraeg play an important role encouraging and supporting everyone to use the Ymadrodd Yr Wythnos.
Why not have a go at practising these at home with your family and friends.
Week 1
Beth ydy dy enw di? (What is your name?)
Tom ydw i
(Tom ydy fy enw i)
Week 2
Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? (What is the weather like?)
Mae hi’n bwrw glaw.
Mae hi’n wyntog.
Mae hi’n braf.
Mae hi’n heulog.
Week 3
Sut oedd y tywydd ddoe / y bore ‘ma / y prynhawn ‘ma / dydd Sadwrn?
(How was the weather yesterday, this morning, Saturday?)
Roedd hi’n heulog ac yn braf.
Doedd hi ddim yn bwrw glaw.
Roedd hi’n bwrw eira ac yn oer ond doedd hi ddim yn wyntog.
Ddoe, roedd hi’n rhewi ond heddiw, mae hi’n boeth.
Week 4
Ble rwyt ti’n byw? (Where do you live?)
Dw i’n byw yn Y Barri gyda dad.
Dw i’n byw yn Aberdâr mewn tŷ teras.
Week 5
Faint ydy dy oed di? (How old are you?)
Dw i’n wyth oed.
Week 6
Oes chwaer gyda ti? (do you have a sister?)
Oes, mae un (1) chwaer gyda fi o’r enw Mari.
Nag oes, does dim chwaer gyda fi.
Week 7
Oes brawd gyda ti? (Have you got a sister?)
Oes, mae un brawd gyda fi o’r enw Tom.
Nag oes, does dim brawd gyda fi.
Week 8
Oes anifail anwes gyda ti? (Have you got a pet?)
Oes, mae un ci gyda fi.
Nag oes, does dim ci gyda fi.
Week 9
Beth gest ti i frecwast? (What did you have for breakfast?)
Ces i tost a marmaled a cwpan o de.
Summer Term
Week 1
Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw?
What is the weather like today?
Mae hi’n … ac …
It is … and …
Dydy hi ddim yn (weather)
It is not (weather).
Week 2
Faint ydy oed (Sam)?
How old is (Sam)?
Mae (Sam) yn … oed.
(Sam) is … years old.
Week 3
Wyt ti’n gwisgo …?
Are you wearing …?
Ydw/Nag ydw
Week 4
Ble rwyt ti’n byw?
Where do you live?
Dw i’n byw yn (place)
I live in (place).
Dw i’n byw yn (place) gyda (family/pets).
I live in (place) with (family/pets).
Week 5
Wyt ti’n eisiau (noun)?
Do you want a (noun)?
Ydw, dw i’n eisiau (noun).
Yes, I do want a (noun).
Nag ydw, dw i ddim eisiau (noun).
No I do not want a (noun).
Week 6
Pa liw wyt ti’n hoffi?
Which colour do you like?
Dw i’n hoffi ...
I like ...
Dw i ddim yn hoffi ...
I don’t like ….
Week 7
Beth wyt ti’n gwisgo?
What are you wearing?
Dw i’n gwisgo ...
I am wearing a ...
Week 8
Sut wyt ti’n teimlo?
How are you feeling?
Dw i’n (feeling) achos (reason).
I am (feeling) because (reason).
Week 9
Faint ydy (noun)?
How much is (noun)?
Faint ydy’r (noun)?
How much is the (noun)?
Answer in English with a price.
Week 10
Beth sy’n bod?
What’s the matter?
Mae ….. arna i.
I have (illness).
Week 11
Wyt ti’n eisiau (noun)?
Do you want a (noun)?
Ydw, dw i’n eisiau (noun).
Yes, I do want a (noun).
Nag ydw, dw i ddim eisiau (noun).
No I do not want a (noun).
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