Success for All - Curiosity Corner
'A Learning Journey'
Our nursery programme is aligned to the
Welsh Foundation Phase.
Our overall goal is to ensure that every child enters reception with language skills, early literacy, mathematical concepts, social and emotional literacy skills and self-confidence necessary for success in both early years and later primary years.
We have lots of exciting opportunities planned for our nursery children this term.
Here are our Spring Term themes:
Winter Wonders
Healthy Me!
Chinese New Year
Nursery Bake Off!
On My Own Two Feet
Welsh Week
Art and Artists
Pet Parade
Swing into Spring
Here are our Autumn Term themes:
The Three Little Pigs
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Welcome to School
Marvellous Me
Our Senses
Apples to Pumpkins
Whatever the Weather
Good Morning, Good Night
The Christmas Story
Little Big Maths
Little Big Maths ensures that we have a dedicated time each day to 'insist on progress' for basic mathematical skills for every child. Regardless of ability, we believe that all children should feel good about their numeracy - the entire learning journey is vitally important but the early years are crucial!
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