In Year 4, we are proud to be Welsh! We love using Welsh as much as possible, in and out of class.
Our Criw Cymraeg representatives are always on the lookout for children to give Welsh Merits to, for trying hard with speaking Welsh.
Here are some words and phrases which may help...
Geirfa – Vocabulary |
Cystrawennau – Sentence patterns |
tafod tost bad tongue pen tost bad head ysgwyddau tost bad shoulders troed dost bad foot traed tost bad feet bola tost bad stomach braich dost bad arm breichiau tost bad arms coes dost bad leg coesau tost bad legs llygad dost bad eye llygaid tost bad eyes clust dost bad ear clustiau tost bad ears trwyn tost bad nose ceg dost bad mouth bys tost bad finger gwddf tost bad neck llaw dost bad hand dwylo tost bad hands
chwarae rygbi to play rugby chwarae criced to play cricket chwarae pêl droed to play football chwarae tenis to play tennis chwarae pêl rwyd to play netball chwarae golff to play golf chwarae pêl fas to play baseball gwneud jwdo to do judo gwneud gymnasteg to do gymnastics sgïo to ski nofio to swim
Mae annwyd ar Sam Sam has a cold Mae peswch ar Sam Sam has a cough Mae brech yr ieir ar Sam Sam has chicken pox Mae’r frech goch ar Sam Sam has measles Mae’r ffliw ar Sam Sam has ‘flu |
Revise Beth sy’n bod? What’s the matter? Mae … gyda fi. I have a …
New Beth sy’n bod ar Sam? What’s the matter with Sam? Mae bola tost gyda Sam. Sam has a tummy ache. Mae bola tost gyda fe / hi. He / She has a tummy ache.
Mae Sam yn drist achos mae bola tost gyda fe ac mae e eisiau chwarae pêl-droed. Sam is sad because he has a tummy ache and he wants to play football.
Mae annwyd ar Sam. Sam has a cold.
Mae e’n / hi’n drist achos mae annwyd ar Sam. He/ she is sad because Sam has a cold.
Extension Oes annwyd ar Sam? Does Sam have a cold? Oes, mae annwyd ar Sam ond does dim pen tost gyda fe. Yes, Sam has a cold but he doesn’t have a bad head.
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