Can you draw a picture of ‘Smartie the Penguin’ and write a sentence about how we can keep him and ourselves safe online.
Smartie The Penguin is a story by that explores various scenarios that a child may find themselves in when using a device, it repeats the messag...
Last week we measured with our hands, this week can we measure using our foot prints. Measure the same items, did you use the same number of feet as hands to measure each item?
Record your answer on a piece of paper – Send this to Miss Walk and Miss Rafferty on Class Dojo!
Is your foot longer or shorter than your hand?
If it is dry can you measure items outside?
Activity - Complete the colouring worksheet to find the biggest/tallest animal
Challenge – Complete the comparing game on TopMarks
Using paints and a variety of vehicles what art work can you create with their tyres?
Collect different materials from around your house. What have you collected?
What vehicle would you like to build?
Using the materials, you have collected can you make vehicle of your choice. Don’t forget to send Miss Rafferty and Miss Walk photos of your wonderful work!
Can you draw and cut out different shapes to make a vehicle of your choice? Does it travel by land, sea or air?
Experiment – Does it float? How much cargo will it hold?
Can you make your own telephone or mobile to communicate with your friends and family members?
Literacy Links
Oxford Reading Owl – (Free ebooks)
Class code: oakfieldreception
Password: OakfieldReception
Teach your Monster to Read – Phonics
Phonics Play
TopMarks – Literacy games – select Early Years
PhonicsBloom – Phonic games (Phase 1-4)
Teach your child to read resources from BBC
ICT Games – Variety of phonic resources -Demonstrates how to say each sound correctly
Numeracy Links
TopMarks – number recognition games and counting
Math age 4-6
Monster Math’s Learning Games
Barnyard Games for Kids
Number Quiz
Book Creator – Practice writing your sounds/numbers or draw a picture for a family member
Oxford Owl
ICT Games – Variety of number recognition games
YouTube Clips
Disco Dough – Early Years Emily – Exercises the muscles in your child’s hand to help support writing
Jack Hartman – Phonics
Calming Yoga for children
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