Senedd Oakfield
Pupil Voice 2021
Every child has the right to be heard and our Pupil Voice is at the heart of everything we do!
At the beginning of every year, Y2-Y6 hold their Class Elections where pupils have the opportunity to stand to be a representative by delivering a speech to their classmates. All members of the class have the right to vote! Senedd Oakfield is now made up of 6 councils:
School Council (oversees all other councils)
Criw Cymraeg
Eco Warriors
Digital Leaders
House Captains (new – Y2/6 only)
Learning Squad (Mrs. Mears will introduce this to Y5/6 children at a later date)
Congratulations to our newly-elected representatives for 2021-2022. You already have some great ideas to help us improve our school and we are looking forward to working with you!
Keep up-to-date with our councils by visiting their pages below:
Oakfield Senedd (2021-2022)
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