...with Mrs Morgan & Mrs Hoskins (3M/H), Mrs Thomas & Miss Scowen (3T/S)
with extra support from Miss Stacey, Mr Bevan, Miss Partridge, Miss Griffiths & Miss Hesp.
Class of 2024/25
You are now in Year 3 and there are so many fun times to come! There are lots exciting topics ahead and we can not wait to hear your voice and see where the topics will take us!
Remember our Oakfield values are to respect others, persevere when we find something difficult, try our best and be kind and caring to others at all times.
We are a Rights Respecting School, help us to respect each others rights and follow our class charter.
School Dinners
| School lunch can be chosen using the ParentPay App or children can bring in their own pack lunch. |
Staying Safe | All classrooms are fully equipped with hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial cleaning products! |
Hydration & Snack | We encourage pupils to bring a drink (water) to have throughout the day. We are a 'Healthy School' so please note, no fizzy drinks or energy drinks are permitted in school. At breaktime your child can eat a healthy snack, this could be: fruit, yogurt, breakfast bar, rice cake or bread sticks. Remember the fruit tuck shop is now well established. 20p per day or £1 per week can be brought to school. Children then visit the tuck shop to choose their fruit of the day. |
Pencil Cases | We can't wait to get back to our learning and want you to know that everything you will need is here, ready and waiting so for now, please keep personal pencil cases at home. |
Class Dojo
| We use Class Dojo to reward pupils with 'Tocynnau Ty' and share pupils' success stories with parents at home. All children will be given parent log-in information at the beginning of the year. If you require any assistance with accessing your parent Class Dojo account, please contact the school where a member of the Y4 team will be able to provide you with further guidance. |
P.E. | PE will be on Friday for Year 3. Your child can wear their PE kit to school on this day for the time being. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear. |
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