At Oakfield Primary, it is our goal that all pupils attends school regularly and on time, making the most of opportunities available to them.
A child’s success at school is likely to be affected negatively if their attendance is poor. Those who do not attend regularly may fall behind in their learning leading to feelings of frustration and unhappiness.
Every day your child has an unauthorised absence, creates a gap in their learning. The more absences, the bigger the gaps, meaning a child is less likely to achieve their full potential by the end of the school year.
Holidays in term time & fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for unauthorised absence
‘In law’ parents/carers must inform the school if they wish to apply for any form of term time holiday. All applications should be made to the school office. The Council will continue to operate the Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) scheme in line with its existing Code of Conduct. This states that parents/carers do not have an automatic right to withdraw their child from school for a holiday.
The Eastern Cluster policy states that all holidays will be marked as unauthorised.
These are the points that the cluster require schools to consider when a term-time holiday request is made:-
* Will leave at this point be detrimental to the pupil’s education?
* Will he/she miss any national tests or examinations?
* Is his/her attendance already below 98% or a previously agreed target for the previous 3 full terms prior to the request for leave?
* Is the proposed absence during the month of September or any other transition period?
* Has he/she already had holiday leave during term time this year?
* Did he/she have leave of absence during term time in the previous school year?
* Does he/she have any absences which have been recorded as unauthorised this year?
Our school attendance officer (SAO) is monitoring unauthorised absences, general attendance and also the time children arrive at school each day. Fixed penalty notices (FPNs) are being issued across Cardiff if they have continued concerns over attendance and punctuality.
Good News Again
All children with excellent attendance for the full school year were given a super prize and certificate last year and all of them were then entered into the prize draw for a Amazon Echo Dot. We celebrate the successes with our very own Oakfield-Opoly!
Remember the highest attending class will move 6 spaces, 2nd place 4 spaces and 3rd place 2 spaces.
At the end of every term the highest achieving class for attendance get a class trip to the cinema! Will it be your class?
Watch Twitter closely on a Friday afternoon to find out the top three classes and what they have won.
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