Croeso I flwyddyn 6! Welcome to Year 6!
This year, Miss Parle (6EP) and Miss Patrascu (6AP) will be your teachers!
You will also get some extra support from Mr Evans and Mrs Haynes.
You will also be lucky enough to see Miss Stuart and Miss Stephens for your PPA sessions!
We are all extremely excited to spend your final year in primary school with you. We have lots of exciting learning opportunities and activities for you which we know you will love!
As you are now the oldest in the school, many of the younger children will be looking up at you. Therefore, you have a big responsibility to set an excellent example, including showing marvellous manners, consistent co-operation skills and tremendous teamwork! Even things like wearing the correct school uniform and always giving 100% will be noticed too!
This is your final year at Oakfield, let’s make it amazing!
You will find 'Curriculum News' and Home Learning in the term folders.
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