Monday 23rd November 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Wearing of face coverings when on school site
The Welsh Government has updated its guidance on the use of face coverings in schools. This information is based on new advice from Welsh Government’s Technical Advisory Group, as we all learn more about the way COVID-19 is transmitted.
To reduce the risk of transmission amongst parents, carers and relatives, please now ensure that you wear masks when visiting school for any reason, including at drop-off & collection times. Please can visitors continue to maintain good social distancing by using the markings on the school one way systems and at the school gates in order to reduce risk and set a good example to our children.
There is still no requirement for primary age children to wear face coverings. Please be aware, however, that face coverings should now also be worn by children in year 7 and above. If you have a secondary school aged child who is visiting Oakfield with you, or if they are collecting a younger sibling, they must wear a face mask.
Our staff will continue to remind our children on a daily basis of the importance of following our hygiene safety guidelines. These include regular hand washing, regular sanitising and good social distancing, as this will reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Please can you remind your child to follow these guidelines too?
Thank you for your help in doing all we can to keep ourselves and others safe.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. D Harris
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