Dear Parents/Carers,
Health & Safety Update – Week Beginning Monday 23.3.20 – Please Read Carefully
Emergency Child Care Support
Following advice received today from the Local Authority & Welsh Government, commencing Monday 23rd March, we will be offering child care support for families of key workers. These are the people directly involved with the immediate response to the Coronavirus outbreak, so this support is initially for children of ‘blue light’ services, health care, social care and education workers.
This support will be available from 8.30am – 3.30pm daily and this provision is strictly for the children where at least one parent is a key worker and therefore no other adult is available to look after the children. If you are a key worker, but your partner is not, we request you organise other childcare arrangements as the school will not be in a position to accept large numbers of pupils.
It is extremely important to note that if it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
Please also note that if you require the child care facility:
We are fully aware of the need to ensure that everyone helps in slowing down the spread of the Coronavirus and families are now being instructed to stay at home to reduce social contact. The staff of Oakfield want to assist other key workers (blue light services) to do their jobs at this difficult time. The more children we have in school, the more risk this places on them, their families and indeed the staff who also have families at home.
Let's work together to keep everyone in our school & community safe!
From Monday 23.3.20, if you require the child care support facility, you will need to register your child by signing them in, inform us of your occupation and employer, your child’s name, their year group and the days you would be requiring this service. Please enter the school using the main doors of the KS2 hall where staff will be present to greet you and sign your child in to the child care provision.
Please note that this service can only be accessed on the days when you are working in front line services and remember that this child care service is only used only by parents who provide an essential service.
Stay in Touch
These arrangements will be monitored and adapted as circumstances develop, which, as you will appreciate, is occurring at pace. The guidance issued in this letter is based on the most recent advice from UK Government and from discussions across the Council. Please make sure that you use our Twitter feed, read our Push Notifications (text system) and check the school website for all updates.
I would again like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone for your support and understanding at this extremely difficult and challenging time.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. D Harris
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