Free School Meal Update
Families with children eligible for Free School Meals should now have received supermarket vouchers covering them for weeks commencing 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th of April.
From Monday 4th May families with children eligible for Free School Meals will now be able to buy food using funds deposited directly into their bank account, whilst schools are closed due to COVID-19. This will be achieved using ‘Parent Pay’ and it will provide parents with more flexibility on where they can shop.
Parents or carers with children who are eligible for Free School Meals should receive a letter during this week which will provide information on how to receive their fortnightly payment. For those who are not yet using Parent Pay, there will be a step by step guide on how to register and contact details should they require further assistance.
If families do not choose to use this new system then the voucher scheme which is currently being delivered will continue to run alongside this new arrangement. Please can you share this information amongst your own networks.
If you would like more information in any aspects of this update, please contact:
Phone: 02920 537250
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